Lacto-ovo vegetarian & Vegan Menu
Vegan MenuLacto-ovo vegetarian Menu


We have a vegetarian menu that is available without prior reservation. You can choose from a variety of menus created by the head chefs of all our restaurants, including Japanese cuisine, Teppanyaki, Chinese cuisine, and French cuisine.

カフェ&ブッフェ ディッシュ パレード ベジタリアン向けメニュー

カフェ&ブッフェ ディッシュ パレード2F カフェ&ブッフェ ディッシュ パレード
Cafe & Buffet Dish Parade


We have a wide selection of Western food menus, including hamburg made with soybean meat that resembles meat, soups, salads, and fruits.

詳しくはこちらClick here for details
  • コーンスープ
    Corn soup
  • 大豆ミートハンバーグ
    Soybean meat hamburg
  • ミックスサラダ
    Mixed salad
  • フルーツ盛合せ
    Assorted fruits
日本料理 瀬戸内 ベジタリアン向けメニュー 日本料理 瀬戸内 ベジタリアン向けメニュー

日本料理 瀬戸内2F 日本料理 瀬戸内
Japanese Restaurant Setouchi


We offer highly satisfying Japanese cuisine such as seasonal vegetable sushi, vegetable shabu-shabu, and tempura that you can enjoy with your eyes.

ステーキハウス 神石 ベジタリアン向けメニュー

ステーキハウス 神石21F ステーキハウス 神石
Steak House Jinseki


We offer a wide variety of vegetables in a teppanyaki style using Hiroshima’s specialty products such as Hiroshima Akitsu potatoes and salted seaweed.

中国料理 煌蘭苑 ベジタリアン向けメニュー 中国料理 煌蘭苑 ベジタリアン向けメニュー

中国料理 煌蘭苑2F 中国料理 煌蘭苑
Chinese Restaurant Koh-Ran-En


We have prepared a variety of ingredients such as vegetables, mushrooms, black sticky rice, and tofu in a colorful Chinese style.

スカイレストランアンドラウンジ L&R ベジタリアン向けメニュー

スカイレストランアンドラウンジ L&R21F スカイレストランアンドラウンジ L&R
Sky Restaurant Restaurant and Lounge


This French course starts with vegetable-based appetizers and soups, and features beautifully presented dishes such as risotto made with raw seaweed and cheese, and soy meat bolognese.


・Content of the dishes may differ depeding on the avaible ingredients at the each restaurant.
・Lacto-ovo vegetarian: This Diet does not include meat or fish but it includes plant-based ingredients,egg and dairy proucts.in latin lacto means milk,and ovo means egg.
・Vegan (Pure Vegetarian): This Diet does not include animal products such as dairy products,egg,honey but it includes plant-based ingredients such as vegetable,green beans mushrooms.
・This food is prepared in the same kitchen as other menu items. Please note that trace amounts of other substances may be mixed in during the processing or cooking process.